The herbal extracts in Rectobek ointment increase the response to norepinephrine in saphenous veins and also have an effect on adrenergic receptors, while acting as an indirect sympathetic mimic, it increases venous contractions, and with the effect of vasoconstriction, it leads to an increase in vascular resistance. Bleeding is stopped, which makes this effect of Rectobek ointment suitable for the treatment of hemorrhoids and chronic venous problems….
Rectobek Ointment has a significant anti-inflammatory effect due to the presence of evangelical, kolekhas and chamomile extracts by inhibiting 5- and 12-lipoxygenase, cyclooxygenase and arachidonic acid oxidation, as well as inhibiting the permeability caused by histamine to macromolecules.
The herbal extracts present in the mentioned herbal product increase the response to norepinephrine in the saphenous veins as well as the effectiveness on -α and -β adrenergic receptors, while acting as an indirect sympathetic mimic, it increases venous contractions and leads to vasoconstriction. It increases vascular resistance, increases vein tone, and stops bleeding, which makes Rectobek ointment suitable for treating hemorrhoids and chronic venous problems. Also, the effective compounds in this ointment have an anti-edema effect with a quasi-electrolytic reaction in the capillary cell wall.